Sustainability governance
How sustainability risks and opportunities are integrated into our business and leadership structures.

Sustainability is a Board matter as per our Organizational Regulations. Executive remuneration is linked to progress on key sustainability performance indicators.
Chaired by our CEO, the Global Sustainability Committee leads and controls progress on sustainability, including climate-related risks. It defines operational targets, drives implementation, and ensures integration across the business. The committee meets at least three times a year and regularly reports to the Group Executive Committee (ExCo), which implements strategy and sanctions changes needed to ensure we conduct our business sustainably. It includes leaders of all major corporate functions.
The Corporate Sustainability Office (CSO) advises, recommends, and proposes how to integrate sustainability into the business, including external commitments and target-setting. It develops the annual corporate responsibility report on sustainability performance. The Chairman of the Board of Directors receives quarterly updates on progress from the CSO.
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