10 Close periods
With the objective to prevent insider trading (and the outward appearance of insider trading) by Schindler and its employees, Schindler applies the following general trading restriction periods (close periods):
- from January 1 until and including the stock exchange day of the public release of the annual results;
- from April 1 until and including the stock exchange day of the public release of the quarterly results;
- from July 1 until and including the stock exchange day of the public release of the semi-annual results; and
- from October 1 until and including the stock exchange day of the public release of the quarterly results
Bound by the close periods are the company and all persons who have regular access to potentially price-sensitive information, including all members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Committee, as well as their staff and all key position holders within the Schindler Group (Regular Insiders).
Regular Insiders are prohibited from engaging in any transactions in Schindler securities and derivatives during close periods.
Exceptions are stipulated in connection with (i) stock option plans in case the last day of the exercise period falls within a close period, and (ii) other options, conversion rights, warrants, subscription, and preemption rights that expire during a close period. Moreover, the Chairman of the Audit Committee may grant exceptions on a case-by-case basis if the person executing the transaction is not in possession of insider information and provided that the legitimate interests of the executing person outweigh Schindler’s interest in restricting the transaction.