Sustainability Road Map 2022
Our 2022 Sustainability Road Map has drawn to a close. In 2022, we progressed on all our quantitative goals.
New goals and KPIs are being defined in our 2030 Sustainability Road Map, which is being developed on the basis of our updated materiality assessment and our net-zero target.
We met our safety and diversity targets. We narrowly missed the 25% fleet emission reduction target, reaching 24.7% due to the late delivery of already ordered electric vehicles.
In 2022, we set up a new procurement organization, revised our Responsible Sourcing Policy, and stepped up our engagement with suppliers of production materials, thereby increasing their response rate to the EcoVadis assessment. Based on our vision to work in collaboration with our suppliers over time, we have decided to exclude suppliers with whom we do not have a long-standing relationship and typically supply our country offices on a one-off basis. Continuity is key in enabling us to build year over year on the results of the annual EcoVadis assessments and motivated the change in the scope. Schindler has achieved the target to perform independent sustainability assessments of 75% of suppliers even without the change in methodology (76%). Our revised 2022 scope included suppliers representing the majority (80%) of our total production material purchases.
The number of passengers using Schindler’s digitally connected elevators and escalators grew to over half a billion per day in 2022. This development was driven by a significant increase in the growth of connected units in China together with the alignment of our model with the ISO 25745-3:2015 standard, which specifies how to estimate the energy consumption of escalators and moving walks.