Material sustainability topics
We performed a materiality assessment to identify and prioritize our most significant ESG impacts, which may in turn constitute for us both risks and opportunities.
In a first step, Schindler’s assessment looked at the relative importance of issues to stakeholders and their impact on the business and society, in order to help determine priority issues.
The results from the first step of the materiality assessment underwent a second step of validation in order to adapt to the principle of double materiality. By doing so, we endorsed the latest requirements of GRI 2021, while anticipating requirements of Swiss and European regulations soon to be applied.
While the eight topics that were initially identified as material for Schindler were retained in this step, their relative positioning in the materiality matrix was refined. We conducted structured interviews with a group of internal experts, where descriptions of the material topics and the related impacts Schindler has on the economy, environment and society (“inside-out impact”), as well as the relevance this has for Schindler as a business (“outside-in impact”), were discussed and revised. The insights gained into the relative relevance of a topic from the inside-out compared to the outside-in perspective were considered in the positioning of the topics in the materiality matrix.
Aside from shaping the content of our report, our materiality assessment informs our 2030 Sustainability Road Map including goals and KPIs that will supersede our current 2022 Road Map.