Intended users and purpose of the report
This report is prepared for, and only for, the Management of Schindler Holding Ltd, and solely for the purpose of reporting to them on Selected Indicators 2024 (including the GHG statement) and no other purpose. We do not, in giving our conclusion, accept or assume responsibility (legal or otherwise) or accept liability for, or in connection with, any other purpose for which our report including the conclusion may be used, or to any other person to whom our report is shown or into whose hands it may come, and no other persons shall be entitled to rely on our conclusion.
We permit the disclosure of our report, in full only and in combination with the suitable Criteria, to enable the Management to demonstrate that that they have discharged their governance responsibilities by commissioning an independent assurance report over the Selected Indicators 2024 (including the GHG statement), without assuming or accepting any responsibility or liability to any third parties on our part. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Management of Schindler Holding Ltd. for our work or this report.
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Thierry Troesch
Cyrill Ivo Manetsch
Zurich, February 11, 2025