Scope and subject matter
The following selected indicators 2023 were subject to our engagement (“Selected Indicators”):
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (page 146):
GHG Emissions Scope 1 (Buildings and processes, Refrigerants and Vehicle fleet);
GHG Emissions Scope 2 (Purchased electricity and District heating and cooling, location-based and marked-based);
GHG Emissions Scope 3:
Category 1: Purchased goods and services;
Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution;
Category 6: Business travel;
Category 7: Employee commuting;
Category 11: Use of sold products; and
Category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products.
Number of vocational education and training students (page 142);
Maintain the frequency rate (Fh) Lost Workday Cases (LWDC) at or below 1.5 (page 145);
30% share of women in senior leadership positions by 2030 (page 145);
Completed corruption risk evaluations in every country where Schindler is doing business (page 145);
EcoVadis assessment of suppliers representing > 85% of production material factory spend by 2025 (page 145);
Increase the average EcoVadis assessment score for the top 100 production material factory suppliers (by spend) to 55 by 2025 (page 145); and
> 50% connected units by 2025 compared to total maintenance portfolio of elevators, escalators, and moving walks (page 145).
Key figures and performance indicators (Results 2023) based on Schindler’s Targets (pages 142 and 145):
We do not comment on, nor conclude on any prospective information nor did we perform any assurance procedures on the information other than those stated above for the reporting period 2023.